Thursday, 31 May 2018


Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi (large and medium-sized airways) in the lungs. Symptoms include coughing up mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest discomfort.Bronchitis is divided into two types: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is also known as a chest cold.
Acute bronchitis usually has a cough that lasts around three weeks. In more than 90% of cases the cause is a viral infection. These viruses may be spread through the air when people cough or by direct contact. Risk factors include exposure to tobacco smoke, dust, and other air pollution.A small number of cases are due to high levels of air pollution or bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae or Bordetella pertussis.Treatment of acute bronchitis typically involves rest, paracetamol (acetaminophen), and NSAIDs to help with the fever.
Chronic bronchitis is defined as a productive cough that lasts for three months or more per year for at least two years. Most people with chronic bronchitis have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Tobacco smoking is the most common cause, with a number of other factors such as air pollution and genetics playing a smaller role.Treatments include quitting smoking, vaccinations, rehabilitation, and often inhaled bronchodilators and steroids.Some people may benefit from long-term oxygen therapy or lung transplantation.
COPD kills around 30,000 people per year in the UK alone and it is estimated that around 3 million people in the UK have COPD, 2 million of which are undiagnosed.CB occurs in 3.4 to 22% of the US adult population and rates are even higher in patients with COPD.The prevalence of the disease has a great impact on society and on the health care system around the world.The primary risk factor for CB is smoking, and up to 25% of long-term smokers will go on to develop COPD. Other factors are long-term exposure to air pollution, fumes, and dust from the environment or workplace.
CB is caused by overproduction and hypersecretion of mucus by goblet cells, increasing airflow obstruction. This can be due to smoke inhalation, a viral or bacterial infection, or inflammatory cell activation of mucin gene transcription.
As mentioned, smoking is the primary risk factor, this can be from those who inhale second-hand smoke as well as smokers. This is caused by the inflammation and permanent damage to the airways due to toxins in cigarette smoke. Other factors include fumes and dust and air pollution which can all affect your lung tissue when inhaled.
There is also a genetic factor associated with COPD, it is a deficiency in alpha-1-antitrypsin. This genetic marker is indicative of Emphysema, but many patients on the COPD spectrum have characteristics of both Emphysema and CRONIC BRONCHITIS and should be taken into account.



 The main morphological feature in chronic bronchitis is hypertrophy of mucus gland tissue in the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles,becuse of this a great incrase in number of goblet cells especially in the bronchioles.The pathological foundation for CB is due to the over-production of mucus in response to the inflammatory signals, this is known as ''MUCUS METAPLASIA''. In COPD patients this overproduction and hypersecretion is due to the goblet cells and decreased the elimination of mucus. The mechanisms responsible for mucous metaplasia in COPD patients is associated with the function of the T cells, although it is still poorly understood. It is believed to be linked to end production of the Th2 inflammation cells while the cellular response is thought to be attributed to the Th1 inflammation cells, both produce cytokines that have an influence on mucus production associated with COPD patients[/caption]
''MUCUS METAPLASIA'' causes airflow obstruction by several mechanisms: it causes luminal occlusion; the thickening of the epithelial layer intrudes on the airway lumen, and the mucus alters the airway surface tension. These all leave the airway at a greater risk for collapsing and decreases the capacity for airflow and gas exchange.
It was also found that smokers with moderate COPD and CRONIC BRONCHITIS had a greater number of goblet cells in their peripheral airways, which increases the potential of mucus in the lungs. It was found that as a greater number of small airways were blocked with mucus the greater the severity of the disease.
Mucus hypersecretion is one of the risks associated with cigarette smoke exposure, viral infections, bacterial infections, or inflammatory cell activation. When combined with poor ciliary function, distal airway occlusion, ineffective cough, respiratory muscle weakness and reduced peak expiratory flow clearing secretions is extremely difficult and requires high energy consumption.
The clinical presentation can be increased exacerbation rate, accelerated decline in lung function, worse health-related quality of life and increase in mortality.
Common symptoms outlined by the British Lung Foundation include:
  • Wheezing, particularly breathing out
  • Breathlessness when resting or active
  • Tight chest
  • Cough
  • Producing more mucus or phlegm than usual
  • These symptoms would be persistent for at least 3 months a year for 2 consecutive years to be considered Chronic Bronchitis.
If a patient presents with some or all of the symptoms your doctor will follow up with more investigations such as:
1.Spirometry Test: This is a breathing test to assess how well your lungs work. You breathe into a machine and two measurements are taken; forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC). The readings are then compared to normal ranges for your age, to determine if your airways are compromised.
2.Chest X-ray: This will show whether there are other lung conditions that may be causing the symptoms, or in what area the obstruction is in. This can give an indication of what areas to focus on during treatment, and the severity and progression of the obstruction.
3.Blood test: This is to see if your symptoms could be due to anemia, or to see if the symptoms are due to the genetic marker alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.
4.Phlegm sample: This is to check to see if there is an infection that is causing the symptoms, this is to primarily rule out other possibilities to ensure proper treatment.
The treatment of CB may include a variety of interventions including management through medications, education, physical exercise and respiratory exercises. The goal of the physiotherapist should involve education, improve exercise tolerance, reduce exacerbations and hospitalization, assist in sputum clearance, and increase thoracic mobility and lung volume.
There are various kinds of short term and long term medications individuals with CRONIC BRONCHITIS might take to reduce flare-ups, decrease obstruction, improve activity and decrease shortness of breath. These medications may include bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and antibiotics.
Regular exercise can have positive effects on the management, treatment, and prevention of CB and COPD. Aerobic exercise and upper & lower limb resistance training have shown positive changes in the reduction of air flow obstruction, clearing of airways, improved functional capabilities increased energy levels and sputum expectoration. Exercise programs should be under the supervision of the treating clinical team and a discussion with the general practitioner should be had before taking part in any exercise program.

The use of various positions to assist in the expectoration of sputum by using gravity to move sputum towards the throat and mouth. Is can be used with other treatment techniques. These positions can be modified for each clients condition and their preferences. Ideally, the client is placed in a position where the affected area is higher up than the unaffected area.

The Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques(ACBT) is one way to help you to clear sputumfrom your chest. ACBT is a set of breathingexercises that loosens and moves the sputum from your airways. It is best to be taught ACBT by a physiotherapist.
The ACBT exercises are breathing control, deep breathing and huffing which are performed in a cycle until your chest feels clear.
1.Breathing control exercise-
Breathing control is breathing gently, using as little effort as possible (also see leaflet GL- 02) Breathe in and out gently through your nose if you can. If you cannot, breathe through your mouth instead If you breathe out through your mouth you can use breathing control with ‘pursed lips breathing.Try to let go of any tension in your body with each breath out Gradually try to make the breaths slower Try closing your eyes to help you to focus on your breathing and to relax It is very important to do Breathing Control in between the more active exercises of ACBT as it allows your airways to relax. Breathing control can also help you when you are short of breath or feeling fearful, anxious or in a panic.
2-Deep breathing exercise-
Take a long, slow, deep breath in, through your nose if you can. Try to keep your chest and shoulders relaxed. Breathe out gently and relaxed, like a sigh. You should do 3-5 deep breaths. Ask your physiotherapist to help you choose the right number of deep breaths for you. Some people find it helpful to hold their breath for about 2-3 seconds at the end of the breath in,before breathing out. Try the deep breathing exercises both with and without holding your breath and see which works best for you.
A huff is exhaling through an open mouth and throat instead of coughing. It helps move sputum up your airways so that you can clear it in a controlled way. To ‘huff’ you squeeze air quickly from your lungs, out through your open mouth and throat, as if you were trying to mist up a mirror or your glasses. Use your tummy muscles to help you squeeze the air out, but do not force it so much that you cause wheezing or tightness in your chest. Huffing should always be followed by breathing control. There are 2 types of huff, which help to move sputum from different parts of the lungs.
The Small-long huff
This will move sputum from low down in your chest. Take a small to medium breath in and then huff (squeeze) the air out until your lungs feel quite empty, as detailed above.
The Big-short huff
This moves sputum from higher up in your chest, so use this huff when it feels ready to come out, but not before. Take a deep breath in and then huff the air out quickly. This should clear your sputum without coughing.
Autogenic Drainage (AD), is an airway clearance technique that uses controlled breathing and minimal coughing to clear secretions from your chest. It involves hearing and feeling your secretions as you breathe out and controlling the desire to cough until secretions are high up and easily reached with minimal effort.
It uses breathing at different lung volumes to loosen, mobilise and move secretions in three stages towards the larger central airways. (fig.1)
Stages of AD
It consists of three stages:

Stage 1 :- Unstick secretions - breathe as much air out of your chest as you can then take a small breath in, using your tummy, feeling your breath at the bottom of your chest. You may hear secretions start to crackle. Resist any desire to cough.
Loosening peripheral secretions by breathing at low lung volumes (slow, deep air movement)
Repeat for at least 3 breaths.
Stage 2 :-Collect secretions - as the crackle of secretions starts to get louder change to medium sized breaths in. Feel the breaths more in the middle of your chest.
Repeat for at least 3 breaths.
Collecting secretions from central airways by breathing at low to middle lung volumes (slow, mid-range air movement)
Stage 3:-Evacuate secretions - when the crackles are louder still, take long, slow, full breaths in to your absolute maximum.
Repeat for at least 3 breaths.
Expelling secretions from the central airways by breathing at mid to high lung volumes (shallow air movements)
The velocity or force of the expiratory airflow must be adjusted at each level of inspiration so that the highest possible airflow is reached in that generation of bronchi, without being high enough to cause the airways to collapse during coughing. Autogenic drainage does not utilise Postural Drainage positions but is performed while sitting upright.
Rationale behind the Autogenic Drainage Technique
The rationale for the technique is the generation of shearing forces induced by airflow. The speed of the expiratory flow may mobilise secretions by shearing them from the bronchial walls and transporting them from the peripheral to the central airways.

Clear your nose and throat by blowing your nose and huffing.
    Slowly breathe in through the nose to keep the upper airways open. Use the diaphragm and/or the abdomen if possible.
    First take a large breath in, hold it for a moment. Breathe all the way out for as long as you can. Now you are at low lung volume. See picture below. The size of breath and level at which you breathe depends on where the mucus is located.
    Take a small to normal breath in, and pause. Hold your breath for about 3 seconds. All the upper airways should be kept open. This improves the even filling of all lung parts. The pause allows time for the air to get behind the mucus.

    Breathe out through the mouth. Keep the upper airways open. This is your glottis, throat and mouth. Breathing out is done in a sighing manner. When you force your breath out the airways can collapse. You will hear a wheeze.
    At low lung level breathing use your abdominal muscles. Squeeze all the air out until you can breathe out no more.
    You hear the mucus rattling in the airways when breathing the right way. Put a hand on your upper chest, and feel the mucus vibrating. High frequencies mean that the mucus is in the small airways. Low frequencies mean that the mucus is in the large airways. Using this feedback lets you easily adjust the technique.
Repeat the cycle. Inhale slowly to avoid sending the mucus back down. Keep breathing at the low level until the mucus collects and moves upward.
Crackling of the mucus can be heard as you exhale.
You feel the mucus moving up.
You feel a strong urge to cough.
The level of breathing is raised when any of the above occurs. Moving the breathing from lower to higher lung area takes the mucus with it.Finally the collected mucus reaches the large airways where it can be cleared by a high lung volume huff. Don't cough until the mucus is in the larger airways. Cough only if a huff did not move the mucus to the mouth.
You have now finished one cycle. Take a break of one to two minutes. Relax and perform breathing control before you start on the next cycle. The cycles are repeated during the session. A session lasts between twenty to forty-five minutes or until you feel all the mucus has been cleared. Do sessions of AD more often if you still have mucus present at the end of a session.
  • No equipment is required
  • Patients can perform their airway clearance independently.
  • Less effort is be required to expectorate which reduces stress on the pelvic floor.                                                                                                                                        DISADVANTAGE OF AD-
  • Patients generally need to be over 8 years old.
  • The technique can be difficult to teach
  • Patients need the cognitive ability to understand the basic physiology behind the technique
  • To benefit from the auditory feedback, patients need to have a moderate or large amount of sputum
Greater expectoration was achieved with AD compared to PEP therapy .
Usually used in conjunction with postural drainage. The theory behind the use of percussions and vibrations is that it will assist with clearing of sputum stuck on the airways. There is little evidence of this effect however, some clients do believe it helps with sputum expectoration. Percussion is the rhythmic clapping on the chest or back of the client with a loose wrist and cupped hands. The clapping should be soothing and relaxing to the client, each client may have their own personal preference. Vibrations consists of while the therapists hands are against the clients chest or back performing fine movements of the hands down and inwards while the client is exhaling after a large breath.
Clapping (percussion) by the caregiver on the chest wall over the part of the lung to be drained helps move the mucus into the larger airways. The hand is cupped as if to hold water but with the palm facing down (as shown in the figure below). The cupped hand curves to the chest wall and traps a cushion of air to soften the claout this type of breathing.



Percussion is done forcefully and with a steady beat. Each beat should have a hollow sound. Most of the movement is in the wrist with the arm relaxed, making percussion less tiring to do. If the hand is cupped properly, percussion should not be painful or sting.
Special attention must be taken to not clap over the:
  • Spine.
  • Breastbone.
  • Stomach.
  • Lower ribs or back (to prevent injury to the spleen on the left, the liver on the right and the kidneys in the lower back).
Vibration is a technique that gently shakes the mucus so it can move into the larger airways. The caregiver places a firm hand on the chest wall over the part of the lung being drained and tenses the muscles of the arm and shoulder to create a fine shaking motion. Then, the caregiver applies a light pressure over the area being vibrated. (The caregiver may also place one hand over the other, then press the top and bottom hand into each other to vibrate.)
Vibration is done with the flattened hand, not the cupped hand (see the figure below).
Exhalation should be as slow and as complete as possible. each treatment session can last between 20 to 40 minutes. CPT is best done before meals or one-and-a-half to two hours after eating, to decrease the chance of vomiting. Early morning and bedtimes are usually recommended.



Deep breathing moves the loosened mucus and may lead to coughing. Breathing with the diaphragm (belly breathing or lower chest breathing) is used to help the person take deeper breaths and get the air into the lower lungs. The belly moves outward when the person breathes in and sinks in when he or she breathes out. Your CF respiratory or physical therapist can help you learn more about this type of breathing.
Education of the individual with CHRONIC BRONCHITIS by the treating clinical staff in terms of the presenting condition, medication use, treatment options and self-management may help the psychological effects associated with having a chronic condition and promote a proactive approach to management.
There is presently no cure for CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. However, with lifestyle changes, education and proper management it is possible to prevent exacerbations of the condition.
  • Stopping Smoking
    Smoking can irritate the lungs leading to irritation, inflammation, and scar. The longer an individual smokes the more damage occurs to the lungs which can lead to increased amounts of exacerbations of the condition. By quitting smoking this can decrease the amount of exacerbations, hospital visits and lead to a better quality of life.
  • Physical Fitness
    Aerobic exercise and upper & lower limb resistance training have the ability to increase physical fitness, functional tolerance, energy levels and decrease concern over the shortness of breath, exacerbations, and hospital visits. Specific guidelines are put in place in concern to exercise for individuals with chronic bronchitis and COPD.The Discussion should be held with the treating clinical team before participation in any exercise program begins.
  • Avoiding Irritants
    Being aware of possible irritants within the household, work place and places of recreation can help reduce risk factors associated with chronic bronchitis and reduce exacerbations. Irritants to be aware of can include dust, chemicals, vapors, air pollution and smoke. Proper respiratory protective equipment should be made readily available if contact with irritants in the work place commonly occurs.
  • Practice Proper Hygiene
    Practicing good hygiene can reduce the spread of germs, bacteria, and infections. This can help reduce the risk factors associated with bronchitis and help reduce exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.
  • Education
    Education can play a vital aspect in the prevention and management of CRONIC BRONCHITIS. Education about the presenting condition, risk factors associated with it and treatment can help reduce anxiety associated with the development of any chronic condition and a proper understanding of the condition and how to manage it can encourage the individual to take a proactive approach to their management program.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


DEFINATION-”Emphysema is a condition of the lung characterised by  Permanent dilation of the air spaces distal to thr terminal bronchioles with destruction of the walls of these airways”.It is always associated with chronic bronchitis and is difficult to distinguish the two  Conditions during life.
causes and predisposing factors-
1-CONGENITAL OR PRIMARY EMPHYSEMA –May be caused by the alfa1-antitrypsin deficiency.This is a rare in-herited condition, which affect one person in 4000 and results in the complete absence of one of the key antiprotease systems in the lung.This consequence is the early development of COPD, especially if the patient is already smoker.Although alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency is responsible for less than 1 per cent of cases of COPD, Its hereditary nature means that is worth diagnosing.It should, therefore, be consideres in any young COPD patient.
EMPHYSEMA may be SECONDARY to other factors, such as:
1.Obsructive airways disease -e.g. asthma , cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis.
2.Occupational lung disease-e. g. pneumoconiosis.
3.Compensatory to contraction of one secton of the lung-e.g. fibrous collapse or removal , when the remaining lung expands to fill the space.
Emphysema is usually of the panacinar (panlobular) types.
In centrilobular emphysema the upper zones of the lung are usually affected.This causes gross disturbance of the ventilation /perfussion relationship since there is a relatively well-preserved blood supply to the alveoli, but the amount of oxygen reaching the capillary is decreased owing to the damage to airways proximal to the alveoli.
2.PANACINAR EMPHYSEMA-Predominantly affects the lower lobes and lower lobe involvement is more common in individuals with alfa1-antitrypsin deficiency. This has a less drastic effect on the ventilation/perfussion relationship, since the blood supply in the damaged areas is decreased in proportion to the decreased ventilation in those areas.


The alveoli and the small distal airways are primarily affected by the disease, followed by effects in the larger airways . Elastic recoil is usually responsible for splinting the bronchioles open. However, with emphysema, the bronchioles lose their stabilizing function and therefore causing a collapse in the airways resulting in gas to be trapped distally.
There is an erosion in the alveolar septa causing there to be an enlargement of the available air space in the alveoli.
There is sometimes a formation of bullae with their thin walls of diminished lung tissue.
Smoking contributes to the development of the condition initially by activating the inflammatory process . The inhaled irritants cause inflammatory cells to be released from polymorphonuclear leukocytes and alveolar macrophages to move into the lungs. Inflammatory cells are known as proteolytic enzymes, which the lungs are usually protected against due to the action of antiproteases such as the alpha1-antitrypsin . However, the irritants from smoking will have an effect on the alpha1-antitrypsin, reducing its activity. Therefore emphysema develops in this situation when the production and activity of antiprotease are not sufficient to counter the harmful effects of excess protease production . A result of this is the destruction of the alveolar walls and the breakdown of elastic tissue and collagen. The loss of alveolar tissue leads to a reduction in the surface area for gas exchange, which increases the rate of blood flow through the pulmonary capillary system .
1. PROGRESSIVE DYSPNEA-Shortness of breath occurs initially on exertion , but as the disease progresses it will gradually occure after less and less activity and finally at rest .
2. RESPIRATORY PATTERN –The patient has a ‘fishlike’ inspiratory gasp, which is followed by prolonged, forced expiration usually against ‘pursed lips’.A ‘flick’ or bounce of the abdominal muscles may be seen on expiration as the outward flow of air is suddenly checked by obstruction of the airways.
3.COUGH WITH SPUTUM-This will be present if the disease is associated with chronic bronchitis or if there is infection.
4.CHEST SHAPE-The chest becomes barrel-shaped and fixed in inspiration, with widening of the intercostal spaces.There may also be indrawing of the lower intercostal spaces and supraclavicular fossa on inspiration .This is also associated with the difficulty of ventilating stiff lungs through narrowed airways.The ribs are elevated by the accesory muscles of respiration and there is loss of thoracic mobility.
5. POOR POSTURES-There may be a thoracic kyphosis plus elevated and protracted shoulder girdle.
6. POLYCYTHEMIA-This may develop in response to prolonge decrease in pao2 owing to the ventilation/perfusion imbalance.
7. CORE PULMONALE-This occurs in advanced stages of thje disease.
8.LUNG FUNCTION-The FEV1/FVC ratio is usually below 70per cent. RV is increased and lung volume may exceed the predicted total lung capacity(TLC).
EXAMINATION-The percussion note will be normal or hyper-resonant due to air trapping. Auscultation will reveal decreased breath sounds and prolonged expiration.
The chest X-RAY shows low flat diaphrams and hyperinflation.


PROGNOSIS OF EMPHYSEMA-The patients become progressively more disabled, with death ultimately occuring from respiratory failure.Complications of the emphysema is pneumothorax due to the rupture of the emphysematous bulla, and congestive cardiac failure.
1-Decrease the bronchial irritation to a minimum stop smoking , avoid dusty, smoky , damp or foggy atmosphere.
2- Control infections-The should have a supply of antibiotics at home and receive a vaccination against influenza each winter.
3-Control bronchospasm
4-Control/decrease the amount of sputum
5-Oxygen therapy
6-Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT)
1- Beta2 agonists-(salbutamol and turbutalin) ,and long acting beta agonist (salmeterol and formoterol) the 2-Anticholinergics-(Ipratropium bromoide and Oxitropium bromide)
3-Xanthen derivatives -(Theophyllin and Aminophyllin)
1- Corticosteroids-(Beclometason, Budesonide)
Goals of treatment for COPD include:
  • Relieving symptoms
  • Slowing progress of the disease
  • Improving exercise tolerance (ability to stay active)
  • Preventing and treating complications
  • Improving overall health
  • COPD is not a reversible condition and has no cure yet, but conservative treatment for COPD can slow its progression (smoking cessation being the most important).
Aims of COPD Therapy
  • To remove excess bronchial secretion and reduce the airflow obstruction.
  • To establish the coordinated pattern of breathing
  • To promote relaxation and improve posture
  • To improve the mobility of thorax, shoulder girdle and neck
  • To increase the exercise tolerance
  • To encourage a full and active life style.
Means of COPD Treatment
1.POSTURAL DRAINAGE (P.D) is necessary for all patients. In chronic bronchitis regular postural drainage should be given. In case of acute emphysema, postural drainage is not necessary but in an infection episode,  where sputum may be present PD may be needed. The optimum position must be established with individual and advice for postural drainage at home.
Clapping and Shaking are effective over the affected lung segments and help to loosen and move the secretions to central airways during expiration. Then ask the patient to take 2-3 coughs to remove the secretions out. If the patient is unable to clear the secretions which are accumulated in lungs, then increased ventilation and humidification by IPPB conjoint with P.D are provided. This is very effective for patient. But in presence of emphysematous bullae, it is contraindicated because of risk of causing pneumothorax.


The Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques (ACBT) is an active breathing technique performed by the patient to help clear their sputum the lungs. The ACBT is a group of techniques which use breathing exercises to improve the effectiveness of a cough, loosen and clear secretions and improve ventilation.
ACBT consists of three main phases:
1.Breathing Control
2.Deep Breathing Exercises or thoracic expansion exercises
3.Huffing OR Forced Expiratory Technique (F.E.T)
Additionally, a manual technique (MT) or positive pressure can be added if and when indicated, to create a more complex cycle to help improve removal of secretions on the lungs.
1.Breathing Control
Breathing control is used to relax the airways and relieve the symptoms of wheezing and tightness which normally occur after coughing or breathlesness. Breathing should be performed gently through the nose using as little effort as possible. If this is not possible then breathing should be done by mouth. If it is necessary to breathe out through the mouth this should be done with ‘pursed lips breathing’. While performing this technique it is important to encourage the patient use it as an opportunity to reduce any tension they may have, Encouraging the patient to close their eyes while performing Breath Control can also be beneficial in helping to promote relaxation. It is very important to use Breathing Control in between the more active exercises of ACBT as it allows for relaxation of the airways. Breathing Control can also help you when you are short of breath or feeling fearful, anxious or in a panic. The length of time spent performing Breathing Control will vary depending on how breathless patient feels.
When using this technique with a patient as part of the ACBT the patient should be instructed to usually 6 breaths. Instructions to patient: Rest one hand on your stomach and keep your shoulders relaxed to drop down. Feel your stomach rise as you breathe in and fall when you breathe out.
2.Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing is used to get air behind the sputum stuck in small airways:
Relax your upper chest.
Breathe in slowly and deeply.
Breathe out gently until your lungs are empty – don’t force the air out.
Repeat 3 – 4 times, if the patient feels light headed then it is important that they revert back to the Breathing Control portion of the cycle.
At the end of the breath in, hold the air in your lungs for 3 seconds (this is known as an inspiratory hold).
Deep breathing/thoracic expansion exercises recruit the collateral ventilatory system assisting, the movement of air distal to mucus plugs in the peripheral airways.
Deep breaths to utilise collateral channels and get air behind sputum to mobilise it towards larger airways and towards the mouth. Instructions to patient:
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • Place both hands on either side of ribs.
  • Breathe in deeply feeling as your ribs expand.
  • Breathe out gently as far as you can until your lungs feel empty.
  • Deep breathing/thoracic expansion is usually repeated 4 times.
The FET is an integral part of the ACBT described by Pryor and Webber .
  • A huff is exhaling through an open mouth and throat instead of coughing.Huffing moves sputum from the small airways to the larger airways, from where they are removed by coughing. Coughing alone does not remove sputum from small airways.
1.Take a small-medium sized breath in
  • Squeeze the breath out by contracting your tummy muscles and keep your mouth and throat open to perform a huff. This small-medium sized huff helps with the removal of sputum in the lower reaches of the lungs.
  • To remove sputum in the higher portions of the lungs take a large breath in.
  • Squeeze the air out as before to perform a huff.
  • Cough and expectorate any sputum. If no sputum is produced with 1 or 2 coughs, try to stop coughing by encouraging the patient to use Breathing Control, the main technique used in between the more active stages of the as ACBT.
  • Allow your breathing to settle with breathing control and then repeat the cycle until your chest feels clear.
    Small long huffs move sputum from low down into chest whereas big short huffs moves sputum from higher up into chest, so use this huff when it feels ready to come out, but not before; huffs work via dynamic compression.
2.Take a medium sized breath in.
Squeeze the breath out fairly hard and fast keeping mouth and throat open. Imagine trying to steam up a mirror or blow a tissue held out in front of you.
Attempt to clear sputum 2-3 times then return to breathing control (Phase one) to relax airways.
Repeat as above except for a larger breath in to remove secretions/sputum in other areas of the lungs.
In case of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis the physiotherapy must be given vigorously. IPPB has great value in this case. It is given with mask to improve ventilation. It is important to observe the chest wall movement and level of consciousness. The patient should be observed for any signs of drowsiness after taking the treatment. Assisted ventilation with vigorous chest shacking and postural drainage are more effective. A ventilatory mask providing controlled oxygen therapy is usually required.
3.BREATHING EXERCISE- should be given in a correct way in treatment for COPD. The main emphasis is given on diaphragmatic breathing with relaxed expiration. The diaphragmatic breathing with decreased upper chest movements and relaxed shoulder girdle is preferred. Expansion of basal lung segments are taught to ventilate these areas.
Pursed lip breathing with prolonged expiration is given as treatment for COPD especially in presence of emphysematous bullae.
3. POSTURE CORERECTION Patient should be taught to attain maximal relaxation of the upper chest as well as movements of lower chest. The main emphasis is on relaxed and controlled diaphragmatic breathing. For maintaining posture the patient should not be kept with forward head and rounded shoulder.
4. THORACIC MOBILITY EXERCISE are given along with shoulder girdle movements. Free active exercises for whole spine to prevent kyphosis and fixed inspiration.
Important COPD exercise in sitting is trunk turning with loose arm swinging in rotation for relaxation. It is also essential to emphesise postural awareness so that the patient practices shoulder girdle retraction and lateral rotation of arm.
5. These patients should be as mobile and active as possible. Their exercise tolerance may be increased by gradually increasing the distances walked both on the flat and upstairs or slopes while practising breathing control. A graduated exercise programme can also be given to these patients during the later part of their stay in hospital and should be continued at home.
6. In daily life style patient should avoid smoking and encouraged to keep fit and eat sensibly. For gaining relaxation, swimming helps very much. Jerky and quick movements should be strictly avoided.